Product tasting in South Auckland this weekend!

There are many more wonderful opportunities to taste our Kadods Bhuja Mix! Get ready to stock up for the holidays... We're going to be offering free product tasting in South Auckland this weekend, be sure to go! The times are below:

14th April - Manukau Pak N Save (3 - 5pm)
15th April - Southmall (10 -1pm)
15th April - Slyvia Park (2 - 6pm)
16th April - Papatotoe (10 -1pm)

We had product tastings in Hamilton last weekend which was a great success. Everyone loved the fact that Kadods Bhuja Mix is not hot, is in a multi pack and is nut free. Some consumers would have liked it hotter. We always listen to our customers and planning underway for a new and exciting Bhuja Mix variant.
Pak N Save and New World stores in Hamilton are already stocking Kadods Bhuja Mix and if they aren't, ask them to stock Kadods Bhuja Mix, you won't regret it!

Till next time,

Harshila Mistry