One Awesome Winter Remedy!!

Chai Latte Recipe

There is no authoritative recipe for chai tea. Actually, the word "chai" translates simply as "tea’. However, what most people mean when they reference chai tea is a mixture of black tea and aromatic spices as masala chai.(cardomon powder, cinnamon powder, ground nutmeg)

You will achieve a more authentic flavour if you make it
All you need is some water, black tea, milk and a few of your
favorite spices.

This is one of my favourites with a pack of kadods Original Bhuja Mix.
½ cup water
½ cup milk
1tsp loose tea leaves (plain black tea)
1/8 tsp masala chai – (vary amount to suit your taste)
1 tsp sugar
2-3 green mint leaves.
1 cm cube freshly grated ginger

· Place spices, fresh ginger, tealeaves water and milk in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
· Add sugar, mint-leaves and simmer for 2-3 minutes,
· Allow spices to steep for 2-3 minutes or so.
· Take off the heat and strain the entire mixture, discarding the spices, ginger tealeaves.
Enjoy ☺